Mt. Sterling is located on I-64 and less than 30 miles from I-75, making two-third’s of the US population within just one day’s drive.
51%of the US population, 52% of Personal Income, 50% of Retail Sales, 56% Manufacturing Employment
is within 600 miles of Montgomery County.
Highway Distance to Selected Market Centers
City | Miles |
Atlanta, GA | 390 |
Baltimore, MD | 503 |
Birmingham, AL | 438 |
Boston, MA | 886 |
Buffalo, NY | 490 |
Charlotte, NC | 409 |
Chicago, IL | 400 |
Cincinnati, OH | 96 |
Dallas, TX | 906 |
Detroit, MI | 377 |
Indianapolis, IN | 220 |
Kansas City, MO | 612 |
Louisville, KY | 107 |
Memphis, TN | 451 |
Nashville, TN | 248 |
New Orleans, LA | 778 |
Norfolk, VA | 541 |
Philadelphia, PA | 600 |