The Mt. Sterling-Montgomery County Industrial Authority in conjunction with East Kentucky Power and Clark Energy are doing some innovative and unique marketing trying to get some new jobs into our Woodlands Industrial Park. East Kentucky Power and their cooperatives generated a new app for smart phones and other devices so that site selectors and industrial companies looking to locate here can view our sites and a virtual building on a new app, called Power Map.
Chris Brewer, manager of Clark Energy, Mayor Gary Williamson and Judge Executive Wally Johnson were on hand to watch as Woodlands Industrial Park was flown by 3 separate and unique drones to create the still photography and video feed for this new app on Thursday, June 28th. The drones flew over the entire 466 acre Woodlands Industrial Park to show potential industries not only the Build Ready site and other sites available, but to also show the other quality neighboring industries that made the decision to locate here in Montgomery County.
East Kentucky Power contracted with QK4 Engineering to fly our Industrial Park along with others in their service territory. Montgomery County Judge-Executive Wally Johnson said he was glad the Industrial Authority could partner with Clark Energy to provide this state-of-the-art technology to market our area to potential industrial clients. Mt. Sterling Mayor Gary Williamson echoed those comments and further stated this was the wave of the future and he was excited that Mt. Sterling and Montgomery County Industrial Authority could elevate their marketing to a higher level.